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patients - CVD exercises


In this section of the website you will find a number

of videos with exercises to help those with Cardiovascular disease.


We have a range of videos prepared by the Royal Stoke cardiac (heart) rehabilitation team. These videos are not just for people with heart problems or after a heart attack but can be used if you are getting your strength back after a nasty illness or operation or simply just to keep fit and your joints supple.


The ‘Balance and Posture’ exercises are particularly useful if you have had a stroke or a chronic neurological condition such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS) or simply to help you as get older and find your balance and coordination not as good as it used to be.


Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale

It is important that you look at this video before you start your exercises to help you know when you ‘had enough’ and when it is time to stop.


















Balance and Posture Series

Good balance is needed for lots of day to day activities, such as walking, climbing the stairs, housework and DIY. Maintaining good balance and posture can have lots of benefits to your overall health and wellbeing. It can reduce your risk of injury, joint and muscular pain and can help to reduce your risk of falls. Guarding against these things is particularly important as we age. This series shows you 3 gentle home exercise sessions without any equipment that you can do to help improve your balance, posture and coordination. They are also suitable to complete if you have long term health conditions such as heart or lung conditions. First try the ‘balance and posture’ videos and when these are comfortable to complete you can move onto the coordination’ video which demonstrates some more advances exercises that you can include. You should aim to do these types of exercise at least 3 times a week and they should be included alongside aerobic and strength exercises for good overall fitness and health.


Balance exercise:                                                                                                   Posture exercise:



















Coordination exercise:


















Seated home exercises

This is a series of 6 exercise videos that can be done within your home and all the exercises can be completed whilst sitting in a chair, your dining chair is a good choice to help you sit upright and offer support. These workouts a great and safe option if you do have problems with your balance but are keen to improve your fitness and stay active at home. All exercises are suitable for those with heart conditions and start with some exercise safety advice including how and when to use a GTN spray if it has been prescribed.


You can also complete the exercises if you have other long-term health conditions and they can help you to keep active and independent. The series varies in time and intensity to help you find a level that feels comfortable for you and that allows you to progress as your strength and fitness improves.


Cardiac Rehab Seated Series - Session 1                                                      Cardiac Rehab Seated Series - Session 2

















Cardiac Rehab Seated Series - Session 3                                                      Cardiac Rehab Seated Series - Session 4


















Cardiac Rehab Seated Series - Session 5                                                      Cardiac Rehab Seated Series - Session 6


















Standing Home Exercise Series

This is a series of 6 exercise videos that can be done within your home and making use of everyday household items to develop your workout, these gradually increase in time and intensity as you work your way through the programme. They are designed to improve your cardiovascular fitness and are completed in standing (if you have problems with your balance you should start with our seated series). All exercises are suitable for those with heart conditions and start with some exercise safety advice including how and when to use a GTN spray if it has been prescribed. You can also complete the exercises if you have other long-term health conditions and they can help you to keep active and independent. They vary between a 10 minute to a 30 minute exercise session with an appropriate warm up and cool down.

They are in reverse order please start with session 1 as it gives an explanation of when to slow down or use your GTN spray and progress to session 6.



Cardiac Rehab Standing Series - Session 1                                                      Cardiac Rehab Standing Series - Session 2

















Cardiac Rehab Standing Series - Session 3                                                      Cardiac Rehab Standing Series - Session 4


















Cardiac Rehab Standing Series - Session 5                                                      Cardiac Rehab Standing Series - Session 6



















There are a number of resources and a webinar for CVD which you may find helpful


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