The digital team have been working tirelessly both in the background and face to face or virtually with primary/social care sectors to provide digital up-skilling, provision of essential equipment, collating supportive resources, podcasts and the like.
We have also promoted the use of digital platforms such as WhatsApp to maintain clinical supervision groups as we realise that during the crisis this peer-to-peer support was even more important to protect mental health and nurture clinicians that were possibly feeling overwhelmed due to isolation.
We, in primary care are now urged to think about restoration and recovery of essential support and services that we can offer to our patients. All primary care centres now have an ‘open door’ policy and while this is often misleading as we are still asking patients to avoid turning up without prior arrangement it does mean that we need to reinstate ‘normal service’ using our digital front of house.
The digital team have recently moved our resources over to a new freely accessed website where you can access an extensive library ranging from essential ‘how to’ guides/videos, SOPs, DPIAs, GDPR regs to recommended Apps, animations, websites for your use when supporting patients with the management of LTC’s or lifestyle choices that may impact on their general health and well-being eg smoking, activity, weight loss to name but a few.
Please take advantage of this resource library as all the information on offer is easily offered to patients via link on text message/email or simply by using your practice social media presence eg Facebook/instagram or twitter. Social media posts have the potential of reaching many patients and take very little time or effort to schedule.
We welcome feedback and good news stories from offering these supportive materials and hope that the next few months are not quite as challenging as the previous.
Stay well.
Kindest regards
The digital team.